
rj companies s.r.o.
Betlémské nám. 6
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Identification No.: 241 20 391
Tax Indentification No.: CZ24120391

registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File No. 180366

t: +420 226 236 600

Technical support
t: +420 226 236 600 

Sale & marketing
t: +420 226 236 600

t: +420 603 803 737



31.08.2018 | International jurisdiction of the courts in cross-border insolvency proceedings in the EU and ways o

ECOVIS ježek, a Czech law firm in Prague on international jurisdiction of the courts in cross-border insolvency proceedings in the EU and ways of resolving bankruptcy in the Czech Republic

31.07.2018 | The basics of the GDPR for Sellers, Buyers, and Target Companies within Due Diligence reviews and M&

ECOVIS ježek, a Czech law firm in Prague on the basics of the GDPR for Sellers, Buyers, and Target Companies within Due Diligence reviews and M&A transactions in the Czech Republic

24.07.2018 | Forms and website for Czech beneficial owner registration are now available

ECOVIS ježek, a Czech law firm in Prague on forms and website for Czech beneficial owner registration are now available

02.07.2018 | Contact Data Privacy Airbnb – the problematics of legal frame of “short-term rentals”

ECOVIS ježek, a Czech law firm in Prague on Airbnb – the problematics of legal frame of “short-term rentals” and the possibilities of legal defence against their providers in the Czech Republic

19.06.2018 | The most important changes in Czech law for entrepreneurs in 2018

In 2018, a number of changes for entrepreneurs will come about. These will affect, for example, builders, register of beneficial owners of legal entities, and unified electronic identification.

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